Don’t push a subject on someone if they’re not comfortable with it. Don’t roast people if they don’t like it.
Public accusations and witch-hunts will be moderated.
Impersonation and general defamation of YAGER and their employees will not be tolerated.Discussions, images, videos and any content of pornographic, overly sexual or extremely violent nature will be moderated.Please try to remain welcoming and respectful of other players and their playing choices. Any form of gatekeeping will be pointed out and possibly moderated.Any form of harassment towards YAGER employees and other community members will not be tolerated, including but not limited to threats, doxxing, dogpiling, continued mocking or disrespect.Any form of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or ableist behavior or any other kind of hate speech and discrimination, both through intent and choice of words, will not be tolerated.